Wet rate means that the rental cost of the aircraft includes all fuel costs. So, all you have to worry about is flying!
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$180 / N1125X - Garmin 430, Bendix-King KX 155, Single Com
$160 / N8366Z - Garmin 430, Bendix-King KX 155, Dual Com
$160 / N6860J - Garmin 430, Bendix-King KX 155, Dual Com
$160 / N3939X- GNC 650 GPS, GTN 9000 (ADSB In/Out), King KX 155, Century IIB Auto-Pilot - IFR Certified
$160 / N9512J Garmin GMA 340 Intercom Panel, Garmin GNC 255 Nav/Com, Garmin GTN650 GPS, Lynx NGT-9000+ transponder
$160/ N4882L PA-28-180 - GARMIN GNC 355 GPS/COM GNC 255 COM/NAV/ DUAL GARMIN G5s/ Stratus ESG Transponder (ADSB In/Out) - IFR Certified
$160 / N8314W PA-28-180 - GARMIN GPS 175, GARMIN GNC 255 Com/Nav, PS Eng Audio Panel, Narco COM 810+, Stratus ESG Transponder (ADSB In/Out) IFR-Certified
$245 / N405MA - Dual G1000s, KAP 140 Autopilot, Dual Nav/Coms - IFR Certified