Private Helicopter Pilot Training 

         At Arapahoe Flight Club, we offer helicopter pilot training for those who want to fly for passion, personal travel, or future aviation goals. Based in Colorado Springs, we offer flexible scheduling and one-on-one comprehensive ground instruction with your CFI as well as immersive hands-on flight training, along with several options to finance your studies.

        With experienced instructors and access to a Robinson R-44, students gain skills in aviation safety, navigation, and regulations while experiencing the excitement of flight. Colorado’s diverse flying conditions ensure well-rounded training, preparing pilots for a variety of scenarios.

       Whether you're looking for the thrill of flying, personal aviation freedom, or a stepping stone to advanced certifications, AFC’s training program offers a one-of-a-kind learning experience. Join us and take the first step toward your aviation dreams!


Private Pilot Certificate

Total Flight Time

  • Minimum 40 hours of total flight time.
  • At least 20 hours of flight training with an authorized instructor.
  • At least 10 hours of solo flight training in required areas of operation.

Flight Training Requirements

  1. Cross-Country Flight Training
  • Minimum 3 hours in a helicopter.
  1. Night Flight Training (except as provided in § 61.110)
  • Minimum 3 hours in a helicopter, including:
  • One cross-country flight over 50 nautical miles.
  • 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop at an airport (each landing must involve a flight in the traffic pattern).
  1. Practical Test Preparation
  • 3 hours of flight training with an authorized instructor.
  • Must be completed within the 2 calendar months before the practical test.

Solo Flight Requirements

  • 10 hours of solo flight time, including:
  • Cross-Country Solo FlightMinimum 3 hours.
  • Long Solo Cross-Country Flight100 nautical miles total distance.
  • Landings at three different points.
  • One segment must be at least 25 nautical miles in a straight line.
  • Solo Takeoffs and Landings: Three takeoffs and landings to a full stop at an airport with an operating control tower.

Commercial Pilot Certificate

  • 150 hours of total flight time as a pilot.
  • Must include:
  • 100 hours in powered aircraft, with at least 50 hours in helicopters.
  • 100 hours as pilot-in-command (PIC), including:
  • 35 hours in helicopters.
  • 10 hours of cross-country flight in helicopters.

Flight Training Requirements

  • 20 hours of training in the required areas of operation, including:
  • Instrument Training5 hours of maneuvering a helicopter solely by reference to instruments.
  • Must include attitude instrument flying, partial panel skills, unusual attitude recovery, and navigation tracking.
  • Training may be conducted in an aircraft, flight simulator, or training device.
  • Cross-Country Flight TrainingOne 2-hour daytime cross-country flight with a straight-line distance of over 50 nautical miles.
  • One 2-hour nighttime cross-country flight with a straight-line distance of over 50 nautical miles.
  • Practical Test Preparation3 hours of training with an instructor within 2 calendar months of the test.

Solo or Pilot-in-Command (PIC) Flight Requirements

  • 10 hours of solo flight or 10 hours of PIC flight with an instructor on board, including:
  • Cross-Country FlightOne flight with landings at three different points.
  • One segment must be at least 50 nautical miles straight-line distance.
  • Night Flight5 hours in night VFR conditions.
  • 10 takeoffs and 10 landings (each landing must be in the traffic pattern).

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